Travel like a local.


How to Attend the World Cup with Shubhayan Mukherjee

a man wearing a sombrero and a flag in a stadium

I’m always amazed when I speak with Shubhayan Mukherjee of He travels the world attending the most prestigious and sought-after events. That’s why I knew I wanted to interview him to talk about how to attend the World Cup and the best things to do in Moscow, Russia. Shubhayan shares his favorite tips so you can attend a future World Cup and stories about the World Cup soccer matches he has experienced.

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Who is Shubhayan Mukherjee?

Shubhayan Mukherjee is a serial entrepreneur with a diverse set of skills. He is an accomplished musician who also promotes artists from Africa and India. Shubhayan provides technical expertise for companies large and small. If you need to get in touch with someone or figure out how to obtain tickets to an event, Shubhayan is the man you need to know.

Best Things to Do in Moscow Russia World Cup 2014 Shubhayan Mukherjee with Christ the Redeemer statue

Here are a couple of articles that he’s written:

As you can see, Shubhayan absolutely loves the World Cup. Listen to this podcast episode and Shubhayan will share his tips so that you can join him at a future World Cup.

You can connect with Shubhayan Mukherjee at his website and on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Big thanks to today’s affiliate partner – ZipCar

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Stay tuned for our next episode

Best Things to Do in Cancun Mexico Jay KaliListen to the next episode when Jay Kali of Kali Coaching tells us why he loves to jump into cenotes in Cancun, Mexico. We hope you’ll join us when We Travel There.

What’s your favorite part of the World Cup? Let us know in the comment section below or continue the discussion in our Facebook group!

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a building with a dome and a cross on top