Travel like a local.

Syracuse, New York podcast episodes

Best things to do in Syracuse New York - Linda Lowen - Downtown Syracuse

Downtown Syracuse

Syracuse, New York is such a diverse city that we wanted to have multiple guests share their favorite tips. So we’ve interviewed multiple awesome guests who love their hometown and can’t wait to share their insider knowledge with you. As you might expect, there is a little overlap between their suggestions, but they each bring their own unique flavor to the show.

I encourage you to listen to both podcast episodes!

Bacon & Bourbon Fest, NY State Fair & World’s Smallest Ski Slope in Syracuse, New York

Guest: Deb Pollack – clinical psychologist by day, travel blogger at night at Adventures in Travel Hacking.

Link to show notes


Salt City Market, Tipp Hill & Columbus Baking Company in Syracuse, New York

Guest: Linda Lowen – travel writer and author of 100 Things to do in Syracuse before you die

Link to show notes